Fun and interesting ideas to work on as projects?
- Convert novels / fanfic into visual novels? Automatically convert your favourite stories into a visual experience.
- Automated attribution of quoted speech?
- Google also: automated quotation attribution
- i.e. convert into renpy
- Optional:
- Find/Train a model that can create art, or obtain pieces of art that resemble the character, facial expression, background?
- Automated attribution of quoted speech?
- Convert novels / fanfic into visual novels? Automatically convert your favourite stories into a visual experience.
- Distributed Systems
- Datacamp: I've yet to finish that course LMAO
- Kaggle: Every employer wants to see this
- Machine Learning course (See markdown/machine_learning section)
Computer Vision
- Convert a person (in video) to animated anime character?
- Automate extraction of person from video frame
- Automate redrawing of said person
- Prepare for ebsynth for optical flow
- What about... the opposite? Make a person perform something else:,,,,,,,,,,121 deep fake?
- Convert a person (in video) to animated anime character?
Machine Learning
- Find/Train a model that can identify speech bubbles (for manga translation)
- Create a webapp that can perform such modifications on the fly?
- Create a webapp that allows you to paste raws in, and show you the raws, romanized and english version?
- Find/Train a model that can identify speech bubbles (for manga translation)
Reinforcement Learning
- Implement Rainbow QL, or check github
Software Engineering
- Try out that react redux boilerplate you've been looking at
Project Ideas
· 2 min read